I love it.
I've met a bunch of people through basketball, and it's sort of saving my life right now. I'm super happy about that...

I've played a lot of games this weekend, one called FAUNA... haha, very interesting game...
Then we played another game where we had to pretend to be a certain animal... I was a jelly fish...a unicorn...and a butterfly... haha...
Anyways, fun stuff...This week was AWESOME! It went so fast, though!
O.k. besides this, I gave a talk today in church and here is a bit from that (taken from President Uchtdorf's talk "You Can Do It Now") :
experience feelings of guilt, depression, and failure. We might pretend
these feelings don’t bother us, but they do. We can feel so burdened by
our failures and shortcomings that we begin to think we will never be
able to succeed. We might even assume that because we have fallen
before, falling is our destiny.”
have watched men filled with potential and grace disengage from the
challenging work of building the kingdom of God because they had failed a
time or two. These were men of promise who could have been exceptional
priesthood holders and servants of God. But because they stumbled and
became discouraged, they withdrew from their priesthood commitments and
pursued other but less worthy endeavors. And
thus, they go on, living only a shadow of the life they could have led,
never rising to the potential that is their birthright.”
Me: Let’s
rise to our potential! I really liked what my Relief Society president
in this ward said, our first Sunday here. She asked us, ‘what would
you do if you knew you wouldn’t fail?’ I’m sure that each of us has
failed, and probably this past week, failed to be Christ-like in some
way. But I know that God expects us to be constantly improving and not withdrawing or giving up in the face of trial or temptation or sin.
In light of this, I am going to try harder this week to find someone to love and to serve. I'm going to do, there is no try! :)
What else do I have to share...lets rummage around and find something interesting!:
The guy in the wheel chair is my friend Russel :) His roommates and I went to Idaho Falls and he found this gear in the D.I. :) haha...
This is my roommate giving back scratches to two men at the same time...well there, Alayna :)
This was an old jukebox we found at a thrift store too... no we didn't buy it, but it was pretty sweet-sauce!
These guys still are my favorite, of all the guys I've met :) James, Luke, and Hyrum! This picture kills me every time. Hahahah!
I'm eating, I promise. Even pancakes and eggs with meat and cheese, SOOooo good. Breakfast, a part of this complete college life :)
The awesome fiddler player...
And the awesome banjo player (my roommate)...