"Asceticism (/əˈsɛtɪsɪz(ə)m/; from the Greek: ἄσκησις áskēsis,
"exercise" or "training") is a lifestyle characterized by abstinence
from worldly pleasures, often pursuing spiritual goals. Many religious traditions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and some Christian groups (for example, the Desert Fathers)
include practices that involve restraint with respect to actions of
body, speech, and mind. The founders and earliest practitioners of these
religions lived extremely austere lifestyles, refraining from sensual
pleasures and the accumulation of material wealth. They practiced
asceticism not as a rejection of the enjoyment of life, or because the
practices themselves are virtuous, but as an aid in the pursuit of
physical and metaphysical health. They eschewed worldly pleasures and
led an abstemious lifestyle."
-Thank-you Wikipedia
Things in life don't always turn out like you plan them. When change happens, you either learn how to hit the curve ball, or you strike out. Sometimes, I'll admit, I strike out. BUT the past few weeks I've made some decisions to take over my life, and not leave it to the winds of change, but instead, learn to be flexible and "exercise" or "train" myself to be strong spiritually, mentally, physically, and otherwise. This is where asceticism comes in.
I am taking a world religion's class at Brigham Young University in Idaho where we learn a lot about the good things in other religions. In connection with this, and with some strong impressions left upon me by people I have met here in Rexburg, I've decided to do a series of "fasts," you could call them.
Last week was a music fast. I did not listen to the radio or to normal pop, country music, no not even oldies. Instead, I occasionally listened to Christian music or instrumental music. But I rarely listened to this other kind of music as well.
I have done the music fast for a week once before, and of course on my mission for a year and a half. This took me back to mission times and in some ways that felt really good. In other ways, I really missed my music. I missed occasionally looking up a song that I had stuck in my head, or turning on the radio as I drove from place to place.
I noticed that I have become sort of re-attached to music after my mission, and as much as I absolutely love music, it isn't something that should be a priority in my life. I also realize how music has an influence on you for good and for bad. There are underlying tones in music that really can change your mood, or make you in a mood-less state, rather, where you are sort of numb to the world around you. Music can distract and waste time. However, good music can inspire, lift, elevate, and drive you to be a creator, or to understand yourself better as you write your own music.
I challenge you to try this fast for one week. Especially if you are a music lover, like me. But do the fast with a purpose in mind. I wanted to be closer to the Spirit and understand how to act in some decisions I've been making. I also wanted to get work done quickly and efficiently because I am really low on time (like the rest of us, right?). I would say that I did gain profounder insights, my scripture study was better, I realized some things that needed to be done in my life, and I also got a lot more done. Especially on Saturday when I had a lot more open, unscheduled time. I also learned once again how GRATEFUL I am for MUSIC! I woke up this morning and listened to "Irish Girls are Pretty" by the Proclaimers, the Mormon Tab singing the Olympic Fanfare Theme Song, and "Best Day of My Life" by American Authors on YouTube :).
The next fast I'm doing this week is more of what some people call a "cleanse" - it's a five day plan based on what you can and can not eat. I'll give you a quick run down of what it will look like, and you can come back later to read about that experience:
Day 1 (Sunday): Eat only fruits, vegetables, and nuts... unless nuts are vegetables... haha...
Day 2 (Monday): Drinking only - juices, or you can juice things
Day 3 (Tuesday):Nothing - straight up fast
Day 4 (Wednesday): back to drinking only - juices, juicing things
Day 5 (Thursday): Eat only fruits, vegetables, and nuts...
AND I'm going to reward myself Thursday night by going out to ice cream... maybe not the best idea...
Goals for this fast:
Learn self discipline.
Learn more about health and what nutrients my body needs and doesn't need.
Learn more about foods (and what is considered a fruit and a vegetable).
Realize how grateful I am that I can eat the food that I'm not eating.
Be grateful I'm a Mormon, and that God is cool with me eating other food...haha...
Try to clear myself of any yucky foods or things that may be in my body so that I can get back on some sort of level playing ground with chemicals in my head and body. I want to feel clean and healthy and happy. This also includes repenting and really trying to rid myself of bad habits and negative thoughts.
I already am learning so much and I'm only on day two of this fast!
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